Take the first step towards security for you and your
family. By becoming an HC Mutual member, you can start
saving for the future—and gain access to our portfolio of
products and advice from our financial experts.

How it works

Become a member

Our plans and loans are exclusive to our member companies. This allows us to offer more flexible savings and
payment terms to members, including salary deduction schemes that make saving more convenient and effective.

To enjoy HC Mutual member benefits and advantages, your company first needs to be accredited by HC Mutual.
Ask your HR about membership today!

Choose your saver’s plan

We understand that people have different financial goals and capacities—and we want to make sure that more
people, especially those from modest backgrounds who have limited financial mobility, can get opportunities to
save, secure, and build their future.

Our model is unique in the way that we encourage our members to save before spending or taking major steps
financially. By saving through HC Mutual, each member becomes, in effect, a part owner of the preferred shares.
This fund becomes accessible to members who have reached their savings goal—so after a set number of
successful contributions, a member becomes entitled to apply for loans and other benefits.

Enjoy your benefits

With savings at hand and a healthy saving habit, you have peace of mind—and now you can start focusing on your
future goals. We can help you with that!

After your first month of contributing, you can start applying for a home loan at special member rates. You will
be eligible for cash loans after 6 months of contributions. Learn more about our plans and loans here.

Get your credit report for only *PHP 100!

A credit report shows your credit limit usage, timely repayments of credit obligations, as well as payment defaults on loans, if any.

This can have an impact for your future personal loan, car or home loan applications.

*This offer is exclusive to HC Mutual members only.


In partnership with Credit Information Corporation